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Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Handing Touch Events in JavaScript
I have extended my "Responsive, Mobile Friendly Web Design" tutorial with a text on how to handle touch events in JavaScript. Touch events are fired by tablets and smart phones, and can be more advanced than mouse events.

AngularJS Custom Directives - Updated
I have extended my AngularJS custom directives tutorial with a section explaining how to use the "transclusion" feature of AngularJS. Transclusion makes it possible to have AngularJS process the HTML nested inside a directive element, instead of having to provide a full HTML template for the directive. Thus, the user of your directive can nest his / her own HTML inside your directive.

HTML5 - Dragging Files Into The Browser
I have just updated my HTML5 drag and drop tutorial with a section explaining how to access files that are dragged into the browser from the file system.

HTML5 Drag and Drop
HTML5 enables drag and drop directly in the browser. While this has been possible for some time now with proprietary APIs, HTML5 is now standardizing the API for drag and drop. This tutorial explains how to use the new HTML5 drag and drop features.

AngularJS Custom Directives
This text explains how to create your own AngularJS directives for use inside AngularJS HTML templates. Creating your own directives can be useful sometimes to clean up your HTML templates.

AngularJS Custom Directives Tutorial
I have extended my AngularJS tutorial with a text explaining how to implement your own AngularJS directives for use in your HTML templates.

HTML5 Messaging - Bug fixes
I have fixed a few minor errors in the code examples in my HTML5 messaging tutorial. Now the examples should be able to actually run!

AngularJS Critique
In extension of my AngularJS tutorial I have added a critique of the AngularJS framework. I don't often criticise what I write about, but in this case with AngularJS getting so popular, and almost no critique available about it, I felt the need to put down what I feel about it.

AngularJS Forms - Updated
The AngularJS Forms tutorial has been updated with information about how to create data bound Select boxes, and about form validation.

AngularJS Forms - Tutorial
My AngularJS tutorial now has a text explaining the basics of form handling in AngularJS. It has enough detail to get you started. I will add more details in a near future.

I have just updated the AngularJS AJAX tutorial with a section explaining how to make JSONP calls. JSONP calls are a way to make cross domain remote service calls - something which is not normally possible with AJAX.

AngularJS AJAX
The 4th text in my AngularJS tutorial explains how to make AJAX calls with AngularJS. So far the basic $http service is covered. The rest of AngularJS's more advanced AJAX options will be covered soon.

HTML5 Canvas - Transformations - Updated
I have updated my transformations text in my HTML5 canvas tutorial. It is the part about rotating a shape around its own center (or around any other point) that is updated. A reader notified me that this section could be made better (including how), and now I have updated it (thanks!).

AngularJS Events
This text explains how to wire up your AngularJS application to listen for mouse, keyboard and other events from the browser.

AngularJS Views and Directives
The AngularJS tutorial has been extended with a text explaining how to create AngularJS views. The text covers the core principles, and the core AngularJS directives used to generate views.

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